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John Abraham Full Body workout Schedule-Chest back biceps triceps

John Abraham Full Body workout Schedule-Chest back biceps triceps...This post is dedicated to John Abraham Fans. The Hottest hunk in Bollywood "John Abraham" has perfect body physique . Do you know the size of biceps of John ? He has greatest biceps among all young Bollywood actors , yes you hear right , john real biceps size is 18 inch .  Indian dude who loves john want to make body like him. To make body like john you must know his daily workout schedule.Here you can view the daily schedule of Bollywood Actor John Abhraham.

chest back biceps workout of john abhraham

John Abraham is the only actor in Bollywood whose body workout is most searched on Google whether is it triceps workout , biceps , chest , back.

Exercises you will have to perform to make dashing perfect body like john ?

John Abhraham Workout Schedule :

1) Monday : Chest 

 Exercises to performed : Flat bench press, Incline dumbbell press, decline pull over, cable cross over

2) Tuesday Shoulder :

Exercise : barbell shoulder press, dumbbell Arnold press, dumbbell lateral raise, front raise,

3) Wednesday : Biceps 

Exercises :  barbell curl, dumbbell alternate bicep curl, concentration curls,

4) Thursday : Triceps 

Exercises– dumbbell tricep kickback, close grip bench press, cable push down,

Forearms – barbell wrist curl, palms down dumbbell wrist curl,

5) Friday : Back 

Exercises– Barbell dead lift, pull ups, wide grip lat pull down, cable seated row, one arm dumbbell row

6) Saturday : Legs  & abs

Exercises– Barbell front squat, leg press, seated leg curl, calf press, leg extension

Abs – Exercise ball reverse crunch, hanging leg raise, plank, leg raise.

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